Good Morning AWOL family, and welcome to a new week of opportunity. We are excited to again announce a partnership with another amazing organization working for the greater good of our Veteran community, Super Breed Association.
For those of you who may not know, “The Super Breed” is the name which was given to my battalion, 1st Combat Engineer Battalion, 1st Marine Division, whom I served with and are now forever my blood brothers. I was blessed to get a phone call from a few weeks ago from this organization expressing support for AWOL and an eagerness to do greater work alongside each other. I couldnt imagine a gathering of warriors finer than 1st Combat Engineers. Engineers lead the way indeed.
The Super Breed Association is a gathering of warrior alumn from every generation of 1st Combat’s family, back to the days when we were 1st Pioneer Battallion. To say that our family roots run deep is an incredible understatement. We are a proud and loyal brotherhood at 1st combat, and through TheSuper Breed Associations incredible work we now have a place, name, people and purpose to gather behind. Brotherhood after war is about family, sharing an coming together for the greater good of one another. Together with The Super Breed Association, we are going to add to these warrior gatherings with professionally guided fly fishing adventures. Please be sure to go over and check out their website for membership details.
Great things are happening every single day AWOL Family. Stay tuned, tell your friends about what’s happening here, and share it with your veteran brothers and sisters in your community. We all live this life together.

Semper Fidelis,